Connecting with Passion and Purpose in Your Career

Success is defined and measured in various ways. Depending on the individual, it might mean financial security, personal growth, professional development or creative expression. However you describe success there’s always a story behind the journey, and someone who helped along the way.
In a commencement address given by Steve Jobs at Stanford in 2005, he shared stories about his successes and his failures. He believed that finding something you’re passionate about is the key to success. Understanding what motivates you and makes your work fulfilling is essential to finding your purpose.
Early in my career, while working on a master’s in health informatics, I was offered a job with a staffing firm. Though I knew virtually nothing about staffing I was curious about the opportunity. The decision to take the position paved an entirely new career path. I became passionate about staffing and recruitment. Making a difference in people’s lives gives me a sense of purpose—creating opportunities for them to achieve their goals.
One of the most important factors in recruitment is finding individuals who are enthusiastic and passionate about their chosen careers. While assessing hard skills is part of the process, recruiters and managers must also consider soft skills—communication, creativity, positive attitude, passion and purpose—attributes you need to succeed.
Most people want to make a difference, feel a sense of purpose and achieve success. An effective manager will emphasize how each person plays a role, individually and as part of a team. Everyone wants to feel valued and acknowledged. Encourage communication by asking the right questions. What are your personal and professional goals? What inspires you? Do you feel energized as you arrive at the office each day? What’s working and what’s not? What needs to change? How can I help? Listen carefully, offer feedback and explore solutions.
Creating an environment that cultivates communication and collaboration keeps people engaged and open to new possibilities. Even so, changing what’s not working takes courage and perseverance. Maybe you’re a coding trainer and aspire to become a compliance officer. Then do your best in your current position while taking steps to move into a new role. Chart a clear path with daily action to achieve your goal. Seek educational opportunities, get involved with a compliance team, talk with your manager about making the transition. Dare to make a change—trust what you truly want to do.
Passion and Purpose—Path to Success
In today’s healthcare environment, it’s important to embrace challenges with confidence and remain optimistic about the future. Finding fulfilling work is part of the journey. If you haven’t found your passion or sense of purpose, keep looking. Don’t give up. Author Elizabeth Gilbert recommends following your curiosity. Nearly 20 years ago, that approach opened career opportunities I never would have imagined. It could work for you as well.
Follow your curiosity. Your curiosity just might lead you to your passion. – Elizabeth Gilbert
Explore what inspires and energizes you.
Connect with others who share your interests.
Seek creative expression, what makes you thrive.
Focus on what matters to you.
Change what’s not working. Pursue what you love.
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